This final series of photos from a recent visitto the Museo Naval de Madrid looks at models from the Pacific region other than China and the Philippines, which we covered in the two previous installments. (Also included here are a couple of full-size canoes, not from the Pacific.) As before, the captions are rough translations of the Spanish exhibit cards, followed by my own comments (if any) in parentheses. Click any photo to enlarge.
This photo and the next two: Parao (19th C.), Mayalan warship
(Interesting slanted shields fore and aft to protect the gunners and helmsmen. I wonder if they were sheet iron.)
Parao (19th C.), Malayan merchant vessel. (The term "parao," which also applies to both the previous and the following models, evidently doesn't describe a particular hull type or the usage of the vessel.)
Parao (19th C.), Moluccan warship model made from cloves
Piragua (19th C.), Pacific Ocean; fishing and passenger carriage on rivers and bays
Tambil (19th C.), Singaporean pleasure boat
Piragua with outrigger (19th C.), Hawaiian fishing canoe. ("Piragua" is another ambiguous term, apparently referring to boats with narrow, canoe-like hulls that may nevertheless be very different from one another.)
(unknown. I failed to record the exhibit card. Chinese sampan?)
Canoe from the forest of Betancu, Rio Sinu Province of Colombia (1862): 15M LOA, 1.13M beam. Presented to Queen Isabel II of Spain. (A 49' 2" dugout -- that requires some big tree!)
(Unknown. I could not find an exhibit card for this large dugout canoe. Note the difference between the bow of this canoe and the previous one.)
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