Saturday 8 April 2017

Reality TV Fur Trade Canoe

Posted on the Duck Works Magazine site is a log documenting construction of a 26 ft Fur Trade canoe commissioned for a French-Canadian Reality TV show. The author, Adam Wicks-Arshack of Spokane, Washington worked with John Lindman of the BarkCanoe Store to build this hefty boat (including doing all the lashings himself...slave labour I tell ya!). Here are some shots of their work.

I recognized the logo and found out that this boat was commissioned for the French Canadian reality show, Destination Nor'Ouest 2: In the footsteps of MacKenzie.

The first show, Destination Nor'Ouest recreated the journey from Lachine (Montreal) to Winnipeg tracing the authentic fur-trade route with an all francophone crew. Here's a YouTube promo clip. It only aired on French TV here in Canada but I missed it (no cable TV). Picking up where the 1st series ended, this second journey attempts to follow the 1793 route of the explorer Alexander MacKenzie to the Pacific Ocean.

From this page, I learned the journey was completed successfuly as is set to air sometime in 2009. In the meantime, there is a Picasa Album showing some nice pics of the journey

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