Sunday 9 April 2017

ERA African Rally car preparation

After ownership for over three decades of a 1966 Jaguar 3.8ltr S type, I have sold the car and while its left my place today, it will be returning for some changes and to get the car for a rally around Southern Africa in May 2014.

The first part of the rally preparation will be best done when the car is on a four post car lift, to this end the car was sent by special trailer to Clive who is a top mechanic and  does this kind of thing.

26 Days:

The Endurance Rally Association & The 5th Classic Safari May 2014

The 5th Classic Safari Challenge


1st - 26th  May, 2014

Check the link out to find the route, it takes 26 days I think.

The car will be away some weeks while various specialist work their magic on the car, one will be Alan fitting an under dash air conditioner.

Does your car need sorting for the same rally, why not let me sort out your needs here in Cape Town for you?

Watch this space for updates as they happen.

Talking of space, the floor area that the Jaguar has used all these years will not be vacant for long, in fact a 1971 Hillman Imp will take its place there in the morning!   Then another Imp restoration starts then on monday.


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