Sunday 23 April 2017

Design 5 Thalia

The firm has designed 37 six-meter racing sloops over the years. Thalia (US42) was the first. She was constructed by Henry B. Nevins of City Island, New York and launched in 1929, the year of the firm's incorporation. She is constructed of elm frames, mahogany floors, mahogany keelson and she is single planked of mahogany. Her clamp and shelf are of spruce as are the deck beams. Her deck is laid with cedar planking. Breast hook, lodging knees and transom knees are of oak. There are 3 hanging knees per side in way of the mast partners, which are of steel.

She has had a long list of names as follows: Thalia, Dolly Bowen, Valkyrie, Masanabo, Shady Lady, Kid and is now called Black Rose. She makes her home on Lake Chaplain.

Here are the plans. The Construction Plan is a rare piece of drafting my Olin himself.

Principal Dimensions
LOA 36'-8"
LWL 22'-9"
Beam 6'-3"
Draft 5'-3"
Sail Area 480 sq ft

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